Weekly Computer Tip # 259
7 February 2009

Quickly jump between the various Outlook components (Outlook 2003-2007)

If you are using Outlook for more than just email, I'm sure you know that the buttons at the bottom of the Navigation Pane provide access to the various Outlook components and the various folders in which Outlook information is stored. For example, simply click on the Contacts button and your Outlook Contact list is displayed. Click on the Mail button and the Inbox folder is reopened.

But did you know you can navigate between the first various Outlook components using shortcut keys?

Here's how:

  1. Switch to Mail : press CTRL+1
  2. Switch to Calendar : press CTRL+2
  3. Switch to Contacts : press CTRL+3
  4. Switch to Tasks : press CTRL+4
  5. Switch to Notes : press CTRL+5
  6. Switch to your Folder List : press CTRL+6
  7. Switch to Shortcuts : press CTRL+7
  8. Switch to Journal : press CTRL+8

Ok, you might just use the first four (if that!) but I think it's a great way of navigating between, say, your inbox and your calendar. Hope you like it too.

By the way, we've added an exciting new workshop - on Information Management - to our course list. This course - intended for managers with ICT responsibilities, process managers, ICT project leaders or specialists, and company librarians or archivists - aims to introduce information management as the foundation for bespoke and cost-effective information services in an organisation. During the workshop, participants are expected to work on an assignment which can be a standard case (provided). Alternatively, they can work on a case related to their own working environment, so that they leave the workshop with pragmatic solutions to implement in their own organisations straight away. See IM_workshop.html for the full course outline and information on how to book.

Learn how to manage your information resources effectively!
