Tip of the week # 443
15 March 2015

Display your flagged messages in a "For Follow Up" folder (Outlook 2010-2013)

Do you flag email messages in order to remind yourself to follow something up? But do you find them difficult to spot in Outlook's To-Do bar? Why not add them as a For Follow Up folder in your Outlook Favorites. (With thanks to Sharon Francois for this week's tip inspiration.)

Here's how:

  1. In Outlook's Navigation pane, right-click Search Folders and select New Search Folder. (If you cannot spot what I'm talking about, press the very obscure keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+P.)
  2. Select Mail flagged for follow up.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Right-click the For Follow Up folder and select Show in Favorites.

Even though standard Outlook folders are organised in alphabetical order, you are in control of the Favorites, so simply drag the new folder to a spot where you want it. (See tip_276.php for more details about Outlook Favorites.)