Tip of the week # 431
10 October 2014

Send links rather than attachments (Windows 7 and Outlook)

If you want to share one or more files with somebody in your organisation it might be better to send a link to the item, rather than an attachment. First of all, the recipient is more likely to work with the most up-to-date document as you reduce the risk of them opening an out of date version of the document from the email attachment. Also, you don't need to worry about the size of the file you want to send via email. And last, but definitely not least, if your organisation has protected the documents using permissions, you ensure the recipient can only access those documents that they have the right to see.

Here's how:

  1. Navigate to the file or folder you want to send.
  2. To send a link to a folder, right-click anywhere in the address bar and select Copy address as text or to send a link to a file, hold down the SHIFT key, right-click the file and select Copy as path.
  3. In Outlook, press CTRL+K (to open the Insert Hyperlink dialog box), followed by CTRL+V (to paste the copied path; no need to first click in the box as the cursor is in the right spot).
  4. Click OK.

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