Weekly Computer Tip # 348
20 August 2011

Keep an eye on these totals
(Excel 2003-2010)

If you have a massive workbook (after all, in Excel 2007 and 2010 you can have over a million rows and 16 thousand columns per worksheet) and you want to keep an eye on a certain (range of) cell(s) such as the total in cell XFD1048576 (the very last cell of a worksheet) you might want to check out the "Watch Window" functionality. Saves you having to scroll up and down or flick backwards and forwards between sheets or even workbooks. (That said, if you're watching cells in another workbook they will only be displayed in the Watch Window toolbar if the other workbook is open as well. But hey!)

Here's how:

In Excel 2003:
1. Select the cell(s) you want to watch. 2. On the Tools menu, point to the Formula Auditing menu, and then click Show Watch Window.
3. Click Add Watch.
4. Click Add.

In Excel 2007-2010:
1. Select the cell(s) you want to watch. 2. On the Formulas tab, in the Formula Auditing group, click Watch Window. 3. Click Add Watch.
4. Click Add.

If you want, you can drag and "dock" the Watch Window toolbar at the top of your worksheet. To display the cell that an entry in the Watch Window toolbar refers to (even if it is in a different worksheet or workbook), simply double-click it.
